Timeseries ========== By Latest Forecast ------------------ Provides timeseries data for all variables of a model's latest forecast. :: GET /models/{model-name}/latest-forecast/timeseries/{latitude}/{longitude} Request Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See :ref:`headers` for request header details. :: $ curl -X GET http://model.api.wdtinc.com/models/weatherops-global/latest-forecast/timeseries/35.0/-97.0 Response Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See :ref:`status_codes` for response code details. :: HTTP/1.1 200 OK :: { "forecast": "/forecasts/233a3aac-45fc-427e-ab93-9fb67d528a77", "variables": { "1hr-wind-speed": { "series": [ { "validTime": "2017-12-19T00:00:00Z", "value": 16.2 }, { "validTime": "2017-12-19T01:00:00Z", "value": 17.4 }, { "validTime": "2017-12-19T02:00:00Z", "value": 18.0 }, ... ], "mean": 17.2, "median": 17.4, "mode": 16.2, "unit": { "description": "nautical miles per hour", "label": "kts" } }, ... } } By Variable ----------- Provides a timeseries for a forecast by variable name for a specific location. The location is expressed as a latitude/longitude pair. The response includes basic statistics (mean, median, and mode) over the series. :: GET /forecasts/{forecast-id}/variables/{variable-name}/timeseries/{latitude}/{longitude} Optional Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The default response contains all available valid times for the forecast variable. ====== ======= ======================== ======================= ======================== Name Type Description Accepted Values / Range Example ====== ======= ======================== ======================= ======================== start string UTC start time (ISO8601) any valid timestamp ``2017-12-19T00:00:00Z`` end string UTC end time (ISO8601) any valid timestamp ``2017-12-19T06:00:00Z`` limit number max number of results any positive integer ``10`` ====== ======= ======================== ======================= ======================== Request Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See :ref:`headers` for request header details. :: $ curl -X GET http://model.api.wdtinc.com/forecasts/6b62039c-b4ee-45d4-b56a-ff1c211b5cec/variables/1hr-wind-speed/timeseries/35.482/-97.535 Response Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See :ref:`status_codes` for response code details. :: HTTP/1.1 200 OK :: { "series": [ { "validTime": "2017-12-19T00:00:00Z", "value": 16.2 }, { "validTime": "2017-12-19T03:00:00Z", "value": 17.4 }, { "validTime": "2017-12-19T06:00:00Z", "value": 18.0 } ], "mean": 17.2, "median": 17.4, "mode": 16.2, "unit": { "description": "nautical miles per hour", "label": "kts" } }