***************************** Possible values for ***************************** This is a list of possible values found in the tag in the API. This field provides an alternative to using the value. **These two values will not always provide the same information.** In this case, some added detail may be possible. This is especially true in the section since the original source data might have more detail. In many cases, they will share the same information: .. code-block:: html Clear 100 (100 in this table represents clear.) In other cases, additional detail may be provided: .. code-block:: html Thunderstorms 95 (thunderstorm) or 97 (heavy thunderstorm) +-----------+---------------------------+ | | description | +===========+===========================+ | 3 | smoke | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 5 | haze | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 7 | blowing dust | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 10 | light fog | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 18 | squall | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 31 | dust storm | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 34 | severe dust storm | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 36 | drifting snow | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 38 | blowing snow | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 41 | patchy fog | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 45 | fog | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 49 | freezing fog | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 51 | light drizzle | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 53 | drizzle | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 55 | heavy drizzle | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 56 | light freezing drizzle | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 57 | freezing drizzle | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 61 | light rain | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 63 | rain | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 65 | heavy rain | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 67 | freezing rain | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 68 | light rain and snow | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 69 | rain and snow | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 71 | light snow | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 73 | snow | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 75 | heavy snow | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 79 | sleet | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 80 | light rain shower | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 81 | rain shower | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 83 | light rain and snow | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 84 | rain and snow shower | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 85 | light snow shower | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 86 | snow shower | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 89 | light hail | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 90 | hail | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 95 | thunderstorm | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 97 | heavy thunderstorm | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 100 | clear | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 101 | mostly clear | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 102 | partly cloudy | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 103 | mostly cloudy | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 104 | overcast | +-----------+---------------------------+ | 0 | unknown | +-----------+---------------------------+