Gridded Datasets ================= .. toctree:: :glob: * Skywise Surface Analysis ------------------------- We run our high resolution SkyWise surface analysis hourly for each of the regions below, as well as a **Global** region. .. raw:: html | | **Regions** ===================== ============ ================= Region Resolution Archive Start ===================== ============ ================= Global 7km Dec 1, 2016 CONUS 1km Jan 1, 2012 Canada 1km Dec 1, 2016 Europe 1km Dec 1, 2016 Australia 1km Dec 1, 2016 Western Russia 4km Dec 1, 2016 Middle East 4km Dec 1, 2016 South America 4km Sep 15, 2016 Central America 4km Dec 1, 2016 India 4km Dec 1, 2016 ===================== ============ ================= | | **Hourly files contain the following variables:** ====================================== ========================= ======= Output Name Standard Name Units ====================================== ========================= ======= temperature temperature K dewpoint dew_point_temperature K total_cloud_cover cloud_area_fraction % u10 eastward_wind m/s v10 northward_wind m/s mslp air_pressure_at_sea_level Pa accumulated_precipitation_estimate_1hr precipitation_amount mm et_rate_short et_rate_short mm hr-1 et_rate_tall et_rate_tall mm hr-1 ====================================== ========================= ======= | | SkyWise Forecast -------------------------- The SkyWise Forecast is a global forecast produced twice daily, containing hourly forecasts out to 10 days. The following variables are available: =================================================== ================================ ======= Output Name Standard Name Units =================================================== ================================ ======= temperature temperature K dewpoint dew_point_temperature K u10 eastward_wind m/s v10 northward_wind m/s total_cloud_cover cloud_area_fraction % surface_pressure air_pressure Pa mslp air_pressure_at_sea_level Pa visibility visibility_in_air m accumulated_precipitation_estimate_1hr precipitation_amount mm accumulated_liquid_equivalent_snowfall_estimate_1hr lwe_thickness_of_snowfall_amount mm solar_radiation surface_downward_shortwave_flux W m-2 strd surface_downward_longwave_flux W m-2 ssr surface_net_shortwave_flux W m-2 str surface_net_longwave_flux W m-2 et_rate_short et_rate_short mm hr-1 et_rate_tall et_rate_tall mm hr-1 =================================================== ================================ ======= | | WeatherOps Forecast Variables -------------------------------- All of the WeatherOps variables listed under :ref:`platform_parameters` are available as gridded data. | | Global Archive Data -------------------- WDT has a 30 year global archive of daily data with the following variables at a 7km resolution: =============================== ==================================== Name Description =============================== ==================================== maximum_temperature maximum 2 m temperature minimum_temperature minimum 2 m temperature maximum_relative_humidity maximum 2 m relative humidity minimum_relative_humidity minimum 2 m relative humidity accumulated_precip daily precipitation accumulation maximum_10m_windspeed maximum 10 m wind speed (sustained) average_10m_windspeed average 10 m wind speed accumulated_srad total incoming solar radiation =============================== ====================================